Wednesday, December 30, 2009


10. The Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca
9. Major Lazer - Guns Don't Kill People...Lazers Do
8. Mastodon - Crack The Skye
7. Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
6. The Dead Weather - Horehound
5. Them Crooked Vultures - Them Crooked Vultures
4. Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
3. Kasabian - West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum
2. Dinosaur Jr. - Farm
1. Death - ...For The Whole World To See

Yep, thats what I think.

I'll work out my favourites for the 00's soon.

Up on a hill is where we begin

from here

I need more stuff to do. Sitting around on the bed, literally just lying there, listening to album after album after album of sometimes mind blowing music, accomplishes absolutely nothing in life.... I feel like in a way I'm doing a lot of stuff wrong. Which isn't good. I rarely talk about my mood with most people, unless I'm quite happy, but I'm in a bad mood. To be perfectly honest, there are things called friends keeping me sane. And I love them all for it.

I also realised that I haven't posted any of the photos I got from parties/schoolies. Well the schoolies ones haven't been developed, and I can't seem to work the scanner properly, so I'll work on that...maybe....soon.....
And maybe, just maybe, I'll do a top albums for 2009...
Fuck it, I'll work it out now:

7. Mastodon - Crack The Skye
6. Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
5. The Dead Weather - Horehound
4. Them Crooked Vultures - Them Crooked Vultures
3. Grizzly Bear - Veckatimest
2. Kasabian - West Ryder Pauper Lunatic Asylum
1. Dinosaur Jr. - Farm

That's all I can think of now, 2009 wasn't really my year for albums.

And the final word comes from my dad, it has stuck in my head all day:
"H cup? That's not a cup, that's a bucket!"
Thanks dad......

The Strokes - The Modern Age EP
Early Strokes is rad

Sunday, December 20, 2009


photo from here

I'm growing more and more fond of the idea of getting a kitten. Maybe it could stop me from being so grumpy right now...

This hurts my everything, but its just so good.

Boris - Pink

Friday, December 18, 2009


I love me some BritPop.
Can I do song dedications?

Blur - You're So Great
Pulp - Common People

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Velvet eyes in Mexico

People need to be happier. Being sad for no reason or a stupid reason is just silly. I don't understand how people whom I both love extremely and care for can continue being sad when they know they have someone who are more than willing to support and care for them.

People need to be more open. Bottling up your emotions about things is annoying, and will only end badly. I'm not saying that if you don't like someone, you go up to them and say "i don't like you", but you can just politely ignore them, ya know? And opening up to people is a good thing, most people want to help, and some might, just maybe, possibly, make you feel better, just because you know they care?

People need to be less selfish. I'm not saying be completely selfless, but some people who just do everything for personal gain, or even most things, are just, uh, dicks. There needs to be a balance. Especially in any sort of relationship, its a two way street.

I'm sorry, this is kinda my first little waaah, just pretty annoyed about a lot of things or people at the moment, and feel pretty lonely. Which I don't like, I want to be incredibly happy all the time.

All Alone - Gorillaz

Friday, November 06, 2009


Yep, HSC is all done. And I'm pretty happy.

Recording an album was so much fun. Even if our recording methods were "abstract" (i.e. pretty average) and the whole album was pretty much written then and there and we didn't rehearse before recording, I think it turned out alright. I want to do it again. But this time have lyrics. And maybe bass guitar. And maybe use similar recording techniques to what happened the time before this, using a USB microphone and Garage Band. I might even attempt to write some shitty lyrics, which could be majorly embarrassing, but it'll be fun. And I want to do it pretty soon. Here's a link to the album, unless you've already seen it on table nine.

I saw It Might Get Loud recently. I loved it. Not only because it had my ultimate dream man in it, but cause it showed three views on guitars and music. However annoying The Edge can be at times, I have a lot more respect for him after watching that movie. His use of effects is amazing, the whole riff to Elevation is just two strums. Pretty rad. Jimmy Page was just his usual asian-looking, old man, rad guy, and I found it pretty cool to know how he went from a session musician to working with The Yardbirds and then onto Led Zeppelin. Jack White was just awesome. His first guitar was so cool, as is his Airline.

Right now, I'm pretty bored, waiting patiently and looking forward to the weekend. But I'm happy. Which is always good.

Guitar Wolf are amazingly mega-rad. I love Japan.

Guitar Wolf - Jet Generation

Sunday, November 01, 2009

My dreams have been crushed

Led Zeppelin - Moby Dick

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I got really bored and decided to make a blog. I'm pretty shitty with layouts, so just excuse all of it. Title comes for a pretty sweet Liars song off Drum's Not Dead. I've been listening to a couple of good bootlegs recently,which I got off Sam's Crap, which is in my blog list.

Black Sabbath - Live in Asbury Park 1975
The White Stripes - Live in Boston 2003
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Live in San Diego 1969

Along with that I've got a couple of pretty good Battles Eps. And from that I've been wanting to see them live. Bit pissed off that I missed them when they played at the Opera House, but I'm more annoyed at missing Eagles Of Death Metal. I missed Jesse Hughes and Joey Castillo, who is probably my favourite drummer around today.

So good.

I've broken two drumsticks within a week. It's annoying cause they were actually my two favourite pairs. I've decided that I need a better drum kit. Someone want to put in for a Led Zep Amber Vistalite Ludwig Kit?

Liars - A Visit From Drum